As always, we have been extremely busy at Joseph Norton. Pupils and staff have been working together to make the best of lockdown, making each other smile and reminding each other to stay positive. There has been so much happening in school and off site. We couldn't be prouder of our pupils' efforts to continue their learning in so many different ways. 

In Key Stage 2 we have had a reading challenge competition. Children have been excited to join in and determined to continue to develop their reading skills at home. Children have enjoyed showing staff and their peers what book they are reading and have inspired others to join in too. Staff are overwhelmed with how much effort pupils have been putting into online learning. SeeSaw has been an incredible place for children to demonstrate their capabilities, whilst catching up with friends and staff and encouraging each other to try something new. We have had tomato growing, toe nail painting and colouring competitions! Although we have loved being able to communicate in this way, we can't wait to be back together and continue to thrive in our school environment. 

In Key Stage 4 we have been celebrating Victory in Europe Day. Pupils came together via Zoom for an online assembly and enjoyed speaking to different staff in school as well as catching up with their friends. One pupil created a VE day window display, we are so proud of them and delighted that they could put smiles on the faces of those who walked by. We also discussed Mental Health Awareness week, which will be taking place next week and planned ways to show everyone that they are staying positive during this time. We can't wait to see what they get up to! The boys are excited to do the same next week and are going to encourage even more of their friends to join.

On site, we have been extremely busy. We have continued to make sure all the animals on the Farm are fed and happy, including our snakes. We then spent time considering other animals in nature that sometimes go unnoticed and used amazing team work to make bird feeders with orange skins. We have already seen a young family of blue tits! Children prepared their own BBQ lunch including apple slaw, corn on the cob and baked potato to accompany the meat and enjoyed relaxing in the sunshine! To complete the week, pupils participated in a ‘Why don’t you’ activity session, creating crosswords, mystery objects and puzzle books that they could do at home to keep them busy. We are so proud of amazing teamwork and cooperation we have seen from the onsite team this week.

We hope to see you all soon, stay safe.
