We seem to have seen all seasons  weather-wise this past few days and the boys have enjoyed chasing around the leaves at playtime and then sympathising with each other when playing  football and the ball curves sideways in the wind like an invisible hand pushing it away from the goal. They have  kept their sense of humour though and carried on their games. 

In class strong storm winds  affected Farm activities  and indoor classrooms were used.  Everyone likes the animal room  and it is a favourite calm  place to be. Staff were pleased to see the respect with which the children continue to handle the animals and the calm language they use when talking to them.  Outdoor cooking was postponed and impromptu buns made by all. They looked delicious!

In Maths ways of multiplying was the focus. Arrays, partitioning, number lines and formal methods were all evidenced. Visual learners also benefit from tactile resources and Group 1 enjoyed exploring these. The best part was hearing the children using reasoning in their evidence as to why they were correct in a calculation when questioned. They justified their answers and knew why they were correct.

Developing  our reading for pleasure focus in class  has meant that the boys have accessed different forms of literature on different mediums. It has taken a while for them to be comfortable with reading using an online format but this term they have really achieved this. The Myon app offers a wide range of books, both fact and fiction and it has engaged even some of our reluctant readers opening up  another world of imagination. This week research was undertaken looking for ideas for World Book Day  on the 3rd March – we love dressing up!

Have you thought what character you want to be yet?

Group 1 have had access to Project Sport this half term and they have enjoyed the opportunities it has given them. Archery is a favourite and pupils who don’t always engage in sport have joined in. There is a sport out there for everyone and this is giving the boys  the chance to find what suits them. A big thank you goes to Russ from Project Sport  who has supported the boys the past half term.