It’s been a productive and positive week for our KS4 students. It’s also been a team building week with all our Group 9 students taking part in some games, sports and even making flapjacks together. Our Group 9 Einsteins have been working on their knowledge of factors in maths. Half way through the week we were able to move onto finding the highest common factor between larger numbers. We have also been looking at recognising prime numbers and real life reasoning questions in preparation for our end of term maths quiz. In Science, KS4 have been looking at speed and braking distance. We have been calculating the braking distance at different speeds, to see who has the quickest reaction we took part in a practical test. You can test how quick reaction by clicking on this link:

English has included a number of comprehension activities; including reading an extract from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. We have also continued focusing on the Shakespearean play Macbeth. During a Careers lesson we looked at local colleges and the entry requirements for the courses our group are interested in taking. 

We are really looking forward to our Magic and Mystery day and seeing everybody's costumes.