This week in KS2 we have introduced our new topic 'Frozen Kingdom'. We have all been really excited to learn about our new topic and have been researching things we may be looking at over this half-term. 

Group 2 have introduced their new guided reading book 'Kaspar Prince of Cats' by Michael Morpurgo and have been developing their knowledge of the front cover of a book. We have learnt lots of key words including author, illustrator and blurb. We have also been using some fantastic prediction skills to try guess what the book will be about. Using the ideas we came up with, we recreated the front cover for the book. We made some great informed conclusions that the book may be to do with the Titanic. We are all really excited to learn about the Titanic and are fascinated by the oceanographers who have researched it. The blurb also implied that The Savoy Hotel would be a setting in the book. When we researched The Savoy Hotel we found out it would cost more than £2000 per night! We couldn't believe how expensive it is! 

As well as discovering more about our new topic, we have been working hard down on the Farm to clear the stream. It is really important we do this to protect the wildlife we have in the woods and to prevent flooding. We have used some fantastic teamwork skills and considered the safety around working with water as well. 

As you can see, it's been a really busy week and we are excited to learn lots of new skills and knowledge over the half term.
