Hello and happy New Year from group four!

We have been very busy since our last blog with visits to new places and challenging ourselves through our class work and experiences.

We have enjoyed learning about ourselves and how our actions have impacts on the people around us.  We have enjoyed learning about keeping safe, especially with fire.  We have used these new skills when in the woods and outside of school.

In our maths lessons we have stretched and challenged ourselves to gain some fantastic new skills.  We have carried this enthusiasm for learning into our topic lessons where we have learnt about the Celts and crime in new ways.  We have enjoyed the freedom to learn in our own way.  We really enjoyed making rockets using coke bottles and mentos!  Our rockets zipped across the tennis court!

We have a new system in our classroom where we have choice of work.  We like to prioritise our own tasks and work through them at our own rate.

One of our favourite things to do is visit new places.  We enjoyed a lunch out at Pizza Hut where the restaurant staff said that all of our class were polite and friendly.

Our visit to the Royal Armouries was very exciting.  We were able to find the weapons that we have learnt about recently.  One of the best parts was using a bow and arrow machine to test how strong real archers have to be!

We are looking forward to the new term and investigating the laws of the UK and setting up our own class court.... Judge Rinder style!