We love Christmas and kicked off our celebrations this week with the Friends of JNA coffee afternoon and Christmas jumper day!

This year Friends of JNA held their coffee event at St. Augustine's Church where they welcomed parents and carers with mulled wine and festive cakes. The group completed a Christmas quiz and everyone won the bingo!!! Thanks goes to Revd Sarah Farrimond for use of the space, Joy for helping to organise the event and Sarah Trickett for the hours she spent knitting in advance. There was a fantastic raffle and we are grateful to Vision for Education for their help with the prizes. Congratulations to Kerry who won the Kindle Fire!

Today we paid £1 each to wear our Christmas jumpers and raise money for Save the Children. We enjoy supporting Save the Children because of the important work their do changing lives. This year we read about their Reading Revolution, which helps children learn to read. We got a very kind thank you for our donations from Father Christmas, which you can watch here.